5.2 Clique Busters: Part 2
Items Needed:
- Login to the Harmony website and copy/print the PEER EXCLUSION WORKSHEETS(one per group; half of the groups will get Version A, half will get Version B): https://online.harmonysel.org/grade-4-peer-exclusion-worksheet/ Links to an external site.
Set the Stage:
Explain that the students will engage in an activity that will help them identify and avoid forming cliques.
Place students in groups of approximately four.
Distribute one Peer Exclusion Worksheet to each group (half of the groups should receive Version A and the other half Version B).
Have students work together to answer and discuss the questions.
Walk around the room and provide assistance as necessary.
When students are finished completing the worksheet, ask them to share their responses with the class.
For groups that had the same version, prompt them to compare their responses with each other.
When students are finished sharing their responses, recap the exercise.
- Everyone came up with great strategies for handling situations when cliques exclude or do things that are hurtful to others.
- Do we agree that cliques are harmful and that we don’t want them at our school?
Explain that the class will work together to come up with strategies for preventing cliques in the classroom and at school. This is the Clique Busters Pact.
The Clique Busters Pact will include behaviors to ensure that everyone feels included and respected in our class and school.
Have students brainstorm behaviors and record their ideas on the board.
- Invite someone to join our group if we see them standing alone.
- Make an effort to talk to someone new every day.
- If we see someone being excluded, offer to hang out with him or her.
- If we see someone excluding a student, remind him or her of our Clique Busters agreement.
Have students vote on the strategies they want to include in their Clique Busters Pact.
Record the Clique Busters strategies on a poster board, and ask students to sign their names on it.
Display the Clique Busters Poster in the classroom for the remainder of the year and reference it as you deem necessary.